Optimize your health and enhance your life.
At ECU Health, we know older adults want to remain as physically, psychologically and socially active as possible. As we age, adults face unique and increasing health challenges, including heart disease, heart failure, stroke, dementia and osteoporosis. It’s important for you to have a health care team ready to help and to work with you to maintain your quality of life.
Geriatric experts at ECU Health specialize in preventing and treating the diseases and disabilities that come with aging. We focus on all the aging issues — medical, social and psychological — and work closely with a multidisciplinary team to help you live as independently as possible, and as healthy as possible, for as long as possible.
The Monk Geriatric Center in Greenville is a dedicated office that serves older adults with various conditions in an outpatient setting. Geriatricians and PharmD’s are available to help review medications and educate patients on medication use.
Why ECU Health Geriatrics?
With all of the conditions that affect older adults, care often requires more than one specialist. Experts from all areas of medicine – cardiology, neurology, cancer, orthopedics, behavioral health and more – are available at ECU Health to ensure your care team is complete.
ECU Health has relationships with assisted care facilities across eastern North Carolina. We are here to support you and your family should a transition to assisted care be necessary.
ECU Health offers both hospice and palliative care. We manage symptoms, ease discomfort and provide support for the entire family.
Browse our health library for all of your geriatrics research needs.