ECU Health offers screening opportunities close to home.

We have to improve the odds.
About 9,000 North Carolinians will be diagnosed with lung and bronchus cancer this year. It’s our second most common cancer and also our deadliest, representing over 5,000 deaths across the state, annually. Lung cancer symptoms oftentimes don’t appear until it’s too late. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Thankfully, early detection saves lives.
That’s why ECU Health launched an initiative to fight this disease. We offer a screening that can detect lung cancer early – before you have symptoms. And by catching it early, survival rates can increase up to 90 percent. The screening:
- Is pain-free
- Takes about 10 minutes
- Requires no injections or pills
- Uses very low levels of radiation
- Is covered by most insurance plans, including Medicare, for those who qualify
We offer this lung cancer screening technology at each of our hospitals across eastern North Carolina.
- ECU Health Beaufort Hospital, a campus of ECU Health Medical Center, 628 E. 12th Street, Washington
- ECU Health Bertie Hospital, 1403 S. King Street, Windsor
- ECU Health Chowan Hospital, 211 Virginia Road, Edenton
- ECU Health Duplin Hospital, 401 N. Main Street, Kenansville
- ECU Health Edgecombe Hospital, 111 Hospital Drive, Tarboro
- ECU Health Medical Center, 2100 Stantonsburg Road, Greenville
- ECU Health North Hospital, 250 Smith Church Rd, Roanoke Rapids
- ECU Health Roanoke-Chowan Hospital, 500 S. Academy Street, Ahoskie
- East Carolina Heart Institute, 115 Heart Drive, Greenville
- Outer Banks Health Hospital, 4800 S. Croatan Highway, Nags Head
Take the next step.
Talk with your provider to see if a low-dose CT screening is right for you. You may be eligible if you:
- Are between the ages of 50 and 77 (some insurance companies may pay up to age 80)
- Have a smoking history of 20- pack years or greater (see chart)
- Have no sign or symptom of lung cancer

If you have questions about lung cancer and your risks, or if you would like help with smoking cessation, talk with your health care provider. If you are uninsured, call 252-847-9507 to speak with an outreach coordinator
Take a free online lung cancer assessment to learn more about your risk factors.
Need help or have a question?
Call 252-816-2273