Rebuilding lives after illness or injury.
Recovering from sports injuries, joint replacement or other orthopedic issues may be what first comes to mind when you think of therapy and rehabilitation. But it really involves so much more. At ECU Health, you’ll find programs designed to help you return to your lifestyle after dealing with physical injury, illness or disease. We provide therapy and rehab care for adults and children, with pediatric programs at several of our facilities.
Your physician may recommend one or more of our rehabilitation services to help you restore function and mobility, including physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy and recreational therapy. At ECU Health locations across eastern North Carolina, we offer a variety of inpatient and outpatient services that have proven successful for many health conditions.
Special programs available at ECU Health include audiology, aquatic therapy, hand therapy, orthotics, swallowing/feeding and vestibular rehab services. As needed, we provide counseling, device fitting and adaptive training as well.
Why ECU Health Therapy & Rehabilitation?
Working as a team is essential to your successful recovery. You may see a variety of providers, including doctors, nurses, physical and occupational therapists, psychologists, speech therapists and more. But the most important player on the team is you.
Your personalized rehab program is unique to your situation and may include physical, occupational, speech and/or recreational therapy. Some of our patients benefit from various forms of aquatic therapy or supervised exercise programs as well.
All of our hospitals provide therapy and rehab services. For specialized programs, we offer easy access to comprehensive care at ECU Health Medical Center in Greenville.
We specialize in proven therapies and successful patient outcomes. ECU Health Medical Center’s Rehabilitation Center is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) for seven of its programs. ECU Health Edgecombe has a CARF-accredited inpatient rehab program as well. Learn more about Therapy & Rehabilitation programs, including Stroke, Spinal Cord Injury, Pediatrics, General Medicine and Brain Injury.
Whom Did We Serve?: Comprehensive l Stroke l Spinal Cord Rehabilitation l Brain Injury l Pediatric

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