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Tony Khoury, CBI, M&AM, has been appointed by the Pitt County Commissioners to the ECU Health Medical Center Board of Trustees effective June 26, 2023.

Khoury has over 30 years of business ownership experience, with an emphasis on working with privately held businesses within the manufacturing, wholesale/distribution, construction, health care, and technology sectors. He is a Senior Business Broker and the Founder/Owner of Transworld Business Advisors of eastern North Carolina, headquartered in Greenville.

Khoury holds an undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering from Youngstown State University and a Master of Business Administration degree from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. Khoury has a strong passion for helping the communities of eastern North Carolina by attracting investment and improving the lives of its residents. He serves on the board of directors of the NC East Alliance, a 29-county economic development nonprofit, as well as on the advisory board of the SBTDC (Small Business Technology Development Center).

The governing board of ECU Health Medical Center sets policies guiding the operation and direction of the hospital and its subsidiaries. The governing board serves on behalf of the community, providing ideas for new programs and supporting existing ones. Members are charged with bringing the community’s voice to the health care system and, in turn, sharing the organization’s story in the community. Board members serve voluntarily and without pay.