Find out how you can get involved, today.
If you’re looking for a way to be part of the advance planning team at ECU Health, you have choices. We offer several programs so you can get involved in whatever capacity works best for you. Whether you’re interested in attending an event, volunteering or even becoming a facilitator yourself, find out the best option for you in our offerings below.
Ways to Participate

Attend an ACP Event
Find an event in your area to learn more about health care decisions and advance directives. In addition to informative presentations, many events offer trained facilitators to assist you with completing your advance directive documents and free notary services to notarize them immediately. Sometimes, the ECU Health team is onsite to scan your documents to your ECU Health medical record. Find an event near you.
Share My Story
Why is advance care planning important to you? Do you have a story or comment that might help others with their planning? Share your story.
Volunteer to assist with an advance directive event. Are you a notary or trained as a facilitator for advance care planning? Are you interested in serving as a greeter or witness at an advance care planning event? Are you an attorney, health care professional or support services professional who would like to speak or serve on a panel to educate others about advance care planning? Have you considered volunteering with hospice or palliative care to support the programs or patients? We have many volunteer opportunities. Get involved today.
Share My Event
Are you hosting an advance care planning event and would like to promote your event on this website? Submit your request. Approval to post is subject to review by ECU Health.
Become a Facilitator
Are you interested in becoming a facilitator to help others complete advance directives? ECU Health and many of our collaborative partners in the surrounding communities support the Respecting Choices curriculum. Training classes will prepare and certify you to help others with their advance care planning and advance directive form completion. Find training near you.
Request an Event
Are you interested in having a speaker or an advance care planning clinic
offered at your church, faith organization, civic group or other group setting? Request an event here.