Amy Campbell, PhD, RN, CPHQ, LSSBB, quality nurse specialist III, represented ECU Health on Sept. 25 at a side event held in parallel to the 79th session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in New York City. The meeting, titled “2030 Global Agenda for Sepsis for Attaining Sustainable Development Goals,” was convened as a collaborative effort of the Global Sepsis Alliance (GSA), Medical Women’s International Association, Sepsis Stiftung and UNITE Parliamentarians Network for Global Health.

The meeting was the first-ever global strategy spearheaded by the GSA, with collaboration from 70 partner and member organizations from Regional Sepsis Alliances across Africa, Asia-Pacific, the Caribbean, eastern Mediterranean, Europe, Latin America and North America. The meeting’s objectives were:

  • To present the 2030 Global Agenda for Sepsis as the first multi-year global strategy to alleviate the significant human, societal, economic and health care burden of Sepsis.
  • To reach consensus on the urgent need for reinvigorating the Sepsis responses at global, regional and national levels for the attainment of 2030 SDGs including the aspirations for Universal Health Care, Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health, AMR, Pandemic PPR, Gender Equality, Peace and Partnerships for Development.
  • To discuss the critical role of health care workers, especially the medical women, representing over 70% of the health workforce globally, in the promotion and implementation of the 2030 Global Agenda for Sepsis.
  • To call for establishment of a High-Level Political Platform for Sepsis to lead integration of this global health threat into the mainstream of health and development dialogue and architecture, including G7 and G20 Summits, World Health Assemblies, UN General Assemblies, and World Economic Forums.
From left, Michael Wong, founder and executive director of the physician-patient alliance for health and safety, Dr. Mariam Jashi, MD, MPH, MPA and the CEO of the Global Sepsis Alliance, and Amy Campbell, quality nurse specialist III at ECU Health, pose for a photo.
From left, Michael Wong, founder and executive director of the physician-patient alliance for health and safety, Dr. Mariam Jashi, MD, MPH, MPA and the CEO of the Global Sepsis Alliance, and Amy Campbell, quality nurse specialist III at ECU Health, are shown at the side event during the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City.

Dr. Campbell was personally invited to attend and speak by Dr. Mariam Jashi, MD, MPH, MPA and the CEO of the Global Sepsis Alliance, and Michael Wong, founder and executive director of the physician-patient alliance for health and safety. This invitation came as a follow-up to the 2024 World Sepsis Congress held this past April, during which Campbell served on the Scientific Committee. “I saw the invite and initially blew it off,” Dr. Campbell laughed. “I wasn’t sure it was real.” But after reassurance the invitation was legitimate, and with the encouragement of her team and Michael Wong, Dr. Campbell decided to go to New York. “I had a training session scheduled at work, but my colleagues covered for me,” she said. “I’m so thankful to my team and leaders who made it so I could attend.”

Once she arrived at the New York University campus, where the parallel session was held, Dr. Campbell said she met many leaders from across the world. “I met Dr. Eleanor Nwadinobi, the president of the Medical Women’s International Association (MWIA), Thomas Heymann, the president and CEO of the Sepsis Alliance and the Honorable Dr. Ricardo Baptista Leite, a member of the Portugese Parliament. People were speaking all these different languages and here I was from eastern North Carolina.”

The meeting focused on early detection of sepsis and how to treat patients with sepsis, no matter where they live. “As one of the speakers, I had the opportunity to emphasize the urgency of early detection, the critical need for continued research and the importance of securing funding so that everyone, regardless of their geographic location, can receive the same standard of care and chance for survival,” Dr. Campbell said. The speakers also discussed what they anticipated to be the next big problem with sepsis: antibiotic resistance.

Dr. Campbell said it was a great opportunity to represent the work she and ECU Health are doing to address the global problem of sepsis. “The attendees were impressed with the work we’re doing. ECU Health is a big deal; we have incredible people and talent, and we deserve a seat at the table,” she said. And next year, she has a seat waiting for her. “I’ve been invited back to speak next year, and I’ll work more with the GSA,” she shared. “We all have a lot to learn and do. Sepsis transcends borders, affecting individuals of all ages, races and socioeconomic backgrounds. However, the most vulnerable populations – children, the elderly and those in low-resource settings – are disproportionately impacted. Sepsis doesn’t wait, and neither can we.”

Community | Featured | Health News

Members of ECU Health Medical Center's Respiratory Care team meet with a patient.

Greenville, N.C. ECU Health Medical Center has been nationally recognized as a national leader in patient experience for the second consecutive year, according PEP Health’s 2025 rankings. PEP Health evaluated more than 35 million online reviews from patients and their families in 2024, offering a real-time look at patient experiences across health care providers nationwide.

ECU Health Medical Center’s recognition was highlighted by top-5 national rankings in several categories including overall patient experience, communication & involvement and emotional support.

“At ECU Health, creating caring experiences for our patients and team members is at the core of our mission,” said Dr. Julie Kennedy Oehlert, chief experience officer at ECU Health. “Our definition of excellence is shaped by feedback from our patients and fostered by the compassion and dedication of our team. Being recognized nationally for our excellence in communication and emotional support is a rewarding acknowledgment of the safe, healing environments we strive to create. We are committed to continually listening and evolving to meet the needs of those we are honored to serve.”

Members of ECU Health Medical Center's Respiratory Care team meet with a patient.

PEP Health’s 2025 Rankings focus on hospitals with at least 750 staffed beds and at least 250 patient experience comments left online between Sept. 1, 2023, and Sept. 1, 2024. These comments, sourced from patients and their families on social media and review platforms, were analyzed against seven internationally recognized domains of patient-centered care: fast access, effective treatment, emotional support, communication & involvement, attention to physical and environmental needs, continuity of care, and billing and administration.

According to PEP Health, research has shown that enhancing patient experience is not only associated with improved care outcomes, but also strengthens financial performance, safety and health equity. Positive patient experiences directly impact CMS Star Ratings, which are closely tied to reimbursement rates and play a critical role in driving new patients and increasing patient retention. ECU Health’s commitment to delivering exceptional care in eastern North Carolina ensures that the most vulnerable populations in receive the support and attention they need.

“This recognition is a testament to the unwavering dedication of our team members who bring compassion and empathy to every patient interaction,” said Brian Floyd, chief operating officer, ECU Health. “Caring for patients during some of life’s most challenging moments is more than a job – it’s a calling. I am incredibly proud of the heart and commitment our team demonstrates every day. Earning this national recognition for patient experience reflects their hard work and the trust our patients place in us, and we will continue to prioritize compassionate, patient-centered care in all we do.”

Awards | Featured | Press Releases

ECU Health team members pose for a photo featuring the system's Health Hubs.

ECU Health serves a vast rural region and understands the critical need for accessible health care in these communities. The demand for health services is exceptionally high, and many residents face significant barriers to receiving the care they need. ECU Health launched the Health Hub initiative in May 2023 as a strategic effort to bridge these gaps and help meet patients where they are. These Health Hubs are designed to improve access to vital health care and community resources, specifically targeting underserved areas.

“These hubs are strategically placed based on data indicating regions of high social vulnerability,” said Kasey Perkins, community health engagement coordinator, ECU Health. “Oftentimes, these areas have limited access to primary care services and individuals have difficulty seeing a doctor for those unexpected acute illnesses we all get.”

Health Hubs are currently located in four counties: Pitt, Martin, Edgecombe and Beaufort.

ECU Health team members pose for a photo featuring the system's Health Hubs.

The hubs serve dual purposes. First, they provide access to virtual care, which is particularly vital in areas where individuals might otherwise visit emergency departments for non-urgent issues. By educating the community about virtual care options, Health Hubs help people get appropriate care quickly and more efficiently. Second, Health Hubs offer a gateway to community resources, addressing social determinants of health such as food insecurity, housing and employment.

“Each hub features a community resource guidebook, organized into tabs for different social needs, filled with contact information and details on various agencies and services available in the area,” said Perkins.

Health Hubs are located at local churches, businesses and organizations, and a designated Health Hub ambassador serves as the community’s point of contact. These ambassadors help residents connect with virtual care services and navigate the resources available to them. The hubs are equipped with necessary devices, including a computer with a webcam and microphone, and vital sign monitors like blood pressure cuffs, pulse oximeters and thermometers. This equipment allows individuals to have virtual visits on-site if they don’t have access to the technology at home.

Three new locations were added in July 2024, bringing the total amount of Health Hubs to 21. Health Hubs are open to everyone in the community. Residents can walk in during designated hours to learn more about virtual care or access community resources. The virtual care service, ECU Health Now, is available for anyone throughout eastern North Carolina and can be accessed on a computer or mobile phone. It is free to register and make an account, and it only costs $55 per visit when you speak with a provider, which is often less than a typical insurance co-pay or Emergency Department visit.

“The Health Hub initiative represents a significant step toward making health care more accessible and addressing broader social needs,” said Perkins. “By partnering with local organizations and connecting individuals with vital resources, Health Hubs are making a real difference in the communities they serve.”

Community | Featured | Health News

Members of the Food and Nutrition team pose for a photo during a Blue Zone Luncheon at the East Carolina Heart Institute at East Carolina University.

As ECU Health continues in its journey toward leading positive changes in support of the health and well-being in the communities it proudly serves, its impact can be seen – and tasted – in the health system’s nine hospital cafeterias where Food and Nutrition team members create delicious and healthy food options for patients and visitors.

With a focus on plant-forward meals that support health, well-being and a healing experience, the Food and Nutrition team has been instrumental in ECU Health’s team member and community-focused Blue Zones initiatives, which recently won the North Carolina Hospital Association’s 2024 Highsmith Award for Innovation.

The four Blue Zones initiatives implemented by ECU Health include the Team Member Blue Zones Challenge, Plant-Forward Meals for patients and team members, Wellness Center Blue Zones, and targeted initiatives in Bertie, Chowan and Dare County. ECU Health is prioritizing the community and engaging in partnerships with local foodbanks and churches to spread the word of the initiative – and make sure the community knows that healthy, plant-forward food is not only nutrient-dense, but also delicious.

Members of the Food and Nutrition team pose for a photo during a Blue Zone Luncheon at the East Carolina Heart Institute at East Carolina University.
Members of the Food and Nutrition team pose for a photo during a Blue Zone Luncheon at the East Carolina Heart Institute at East Carolina University.

None of it would be possible without the expertise of the Food and Nutrition team. With nearly 300 Food and Nutrition team members helping prepare nearly three and a half million healthy and delicious meals at ECU Health locations across the region, this team is making healthy food accessible to patients, families and team members. On any given day, the ECU Health Food and Nutrition team prepares a menu inspired by international cuisines which heavily feature plant-based ingredients: Tandoori chicken, chipotle chicken tacos, sushi, to name just a few.

“It’s hard to describe how fortunate we are at ECU Health to have such an incredible Food and Nutrition team, which is truly at the heart of our work to encourage healthier lifestyles through the Blue Zones initiatives,” said ECU Health Chief Well-being Officer Dr. Christina Bowen. “Our team members and communities benefit from the amazing work they do. Their passion for creating meals that not only taste good, but are also good for you, is a critically important part of the positive change we are leading in eastern North Carolina.”

Featured | Team Members

Attendees talk following the ECU Health nurse extern graduation in July of 2024.

By ECU News Services

The summer break was no break for more than two dozen East Carolina University College of Nursing students who got to see what their post-graduation life could be like with a new student nurse extern program sponsored by ECU Health Medical Center in Greenville.

In the summer of 2023, shortly after an expansive academic-practice partnership agreement was signed between ECU Health and the College of Nursing, leaders from both organizations explored options to help expand the number of new graduates who could fill vacant nursing ranks across eastern North Carolina.

One of the initiatives the group quickly agreed on was an extern program: nursing students would be certified as nursing assistants and then work in a variety of care settings across the health system to gain practical experience before starting their final semesters of nursing school.

Attendees talk following the ECU Health nurse extern graduation in July of 2024.
Dr. Kamilah Williams, ECU Health’s Administrator, Professional Practice, Professional Development, and Clinical Education, speaks with graduates of the student nurse extern program July 9.

To be eligible for the extern program, student nurses would be required to complete Nurse Aide II certification, which all nursing students are eligible for, but not all take advantage of. Nurse Assistants are allowed to perform limited patient care activities as well as assist licensed health care workers with taking notes and uncomplicated wound care.

Dr. Jeanne Martin, chair of the baccalaureate nursing program, said the certification gave ECU Health leaders the confidence that the nursing students could “function within the scope of an NA II all the while learning the RN role with their preceptor.”

“During clinical experiences, students function under the licensure of their faculty and may administer meds or other skills not part of NA II certification,” Martin said.

While their practical role was limited, Martin stressed that the intangible skills the students learned – like how to comfort a patient and translate complex medical terminology and procedures to a patient’s families, was invaluable.

On July 9, the graduates of the first extern program gathered at the Monroe Center on the ECU Health campus to celebrate their accomplishments with their preceptors and the leaders who originated the program.

“I’m so grateful that you took this journey with us and congratulations. We appreciate the opportunity to partner with you on your professional journey,” Dr. Trish Baise, ECU Health’s chief nursing executive, said to the graduates during the ceremony. “Our goal is for you to be as prepared as you possibly can be as you transition into practice.”

Baise said she plans to expand and evolve the program so that more nursing students have an opportunity to gain valuable experience while still in school because nursing care is increasingly complicated and challenging.

Dr. Bim Akintade, dean of the College of Nursing, was an early proponent of the academic-practice partnership and said he is thrilled at the results the inaugural cohort of externs achieved during their eight-week experience.

“We are very thankful for ECU Health’s efforts to give our students a chance to learn some of the inner workings of their profession now, before they graduate. Once they are licensed and at the bedside, their nurse managers, and more importantly their patients, will rely on them to be ready on day one, and this experience puts them in an excellent position to be ready,” Akintade said.

Tracy Langston, ECU Health’s director of nursing professional development and innovation, was the medical center’s lead for the extern program and responsible for placing the students in their roles. She is most proud of the growth the student nurses achieved with developing their time management and communication skills.

Dr. Bim Akintade, dean of the College of Nursing, and Dr. Pam Rudisill, ECU Health’s vice president of nursing excellence, talk together.
Dr. Bim Akintade, dean of the College of Nursing, and Dr. Pam Rudisill, ECU Health’s vice president of nursing excellence, speak about the nurse extern program’s success at the graduation ceremony.

“It’s been a phenomenal experience for our externs. They really increased their confidence as nurses, they are excited about the skills they were able to achieve and experience, and they’ll use that as they finish nursing school,” Langston said. “They spoke about how this program helped them work on their time management skills and prioritization as they prepare to hopefully join us as new graduate nurses after graduation.”

During the ceremony, students recounted their experiences during the extern program.

Blair Beaulieu, a nursing student from Greenville, said working alongside the family medicine team gave her insights into the working life of a nurse that she just couldn’t get from textbooks and classroom lectures.

“This program allowed me to explore the various opportunities and interdisciplinary communication, walking information down to the laboratory, transferring patients who needed higher acuity needs of various floors — just seeing those inner workings of a hospital,” Beaulieu said.

Kiley Fisher almost missed the graduation ceremony and was dressed in grey scrubs, rather than Pirate nurse purple, having raced over from the hospital after helping with a birth.

Fisher credits her experience with reinforcing foundational skills — like drawing blood and placing Foley catheters — which gave her space to work on critical thinking and communication with all members of the care team.

“I can now not freak out when a patient asks a question that I don’t know the answer to and how to continue to look professional while saying I don’t know, let me find out for you,” Fisher said. “It’s reaffirmed that nursing is where I’m meant to be.”

Emma Campbell, a nursing student who worked in the ambulatory clinics, found her footing, and her voice, while working directly with patients.

“I was challenged to develop my interprofessional communication, my confidence in my interactions with patients,” Campbell said. “Working with family medicine clinics, I was able to improve in these areas substantially.”

Emma Campbell, a College of Nursing student nurse extern, prepares the ambulatory clinic at ECU Health Medical Center for a patient.
Emma Campbell, a College of Nursing student nurse extern, prepares the ambulatory clinic at ECU Health Medical Center for a patient.

Kinsey Cook, one of the student nurses, said the extern program forced her to gain new levels of self-confidence, largely because she wasn’t given a choice.

“I was shy and nervous around other team members, but I gained confidence throughout this program by answering the phone and assessing the plan of care with doctors. I was able to talk to pathology, labs, pharmacy, nutrition services, and I got to see more than just the nursing aspect of patient care,” Cook said.

Cook spoke with pride at learning to believe in herself in the clinical role, as well as advocating for the patients she interacted with, a skill fostered by spending time with a charge nurse in the unit to which she was assigned.

Ankita Das said her experience working with palliative care teams helped her to develop a set of skills that can’t be learned in the classroom — one-on-one interactions with patients and the loved ones in the room with them.

“During this externship I realized I needed to further develop, and learn more about, comforting patients, family members and what to say when their loved ones passed,” Das said. “I observed the chaplains’ interactions with the families — they were empathetic and always offered to talk about memories with family. They lent a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear, this helped me learn what to do and what to say when a patient passes.”

The program’s success has given its leaders hope for future iterations, and opportunities to expand student participation in the future across the health system’s locations in eastern North Carolina.

“One of the reasons for implementing a student nurse extern program is that it’s an excellent recruitment and retention tool,” Langston said. “This is just the start. We are looking forward to continuing our student nurse extern program in 2025, so students — get ready to apply in December.”

Featured | Nursing

Dr. Shawn Yeazell poses for a photo in his clinic.

As part of its commitment to providing high-quality care to the people of eastern North Carolina, ECU Health now offers innovative advanced 3-D shoulder replacement surgery, providing a new solution for patients with complex shoulder joint damage. This cutting-edge procedure is designed to relieve pain and restore mobility for individuals suffering from conditions such as osteoarthritis, rotator cuff injuries and fractures.

According to Dr. Shawn Yeazell, ECU Health orthopedic surgeon, patients can sometimes have one or more shoulder replacements that failed or wore out, which leaves only a little bit of bone to work with, so traditional implants don’t work.

“We have an aging population, which is increasing the demand for orthopedic procedures like joint replacements,” said Dr. Yeazell. “We want our patients to live comfortably and to be able to do the things they love, so having the ability to provide complex procedures to relieve pain and joint immobility is crucial.”

Traditional shoulder replacement surgeries involve removing damaged bone and replacing it with standard metal and plastic parts. According to Dr. Yeazell, standard shoulder replacement parts work for most people who need a procedure. However, in cases where bone is missing or existing bone is poor quality, standard parts may not be sufficient.

“There’s a certain amount of bone that’s required for a traditional replacement,” said Dr. Yeazell. “The 3-D printed shoulder replacement surgery is a solution for those patients who would have no other option.”

The 3-D shoulder replacement process begins with doctors performing CT scans of the patient’s shoulder. These scans are then sent to an outside vendor, which creates 3D-printed joint replacements custom-fitted to the patient’s anatomy. This personalized approach allows orthopedists to perform surgeries with greater precision and effectiveness.

Dr. Shawn Yeazell show a 3-D printed shoulder piece.

“Being able to perform cutting-edge procedures like 3-D joint replacement surgeries close to home is critical in caring for our region,” said Dr. Yeazell.

By offering 3-D shoulder replacement surgery, ECU Health is enhancing the quality of life for patients with complex shoulder conditions, ensuring they can continue to enjoy their daily activities pain-free. Dr. Yeazell is the first surgeon to bring the Zimmer Biomet 3-D custom Vault Reconstruction System (VRS) implant and associated technology to the ECU Health System.

To learn more about ECU Health’s orthopedic services, visit

Featured | Health News | Orthopedics and Sports Medicine

Dr. John Catanzaro poses for a photo in a patient room.

Dr. John Catanzaro, professor and chief of the Division of Cardiology at the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University and director of the East Carolina Heart Institute at ECU Health Medical Center, was recently honored with the prestigious Dr. John “Jack” Rose Distinguished Professorship, recognizing his significant contributions to improving health care delivery, excellence in clinical medicine, administration and academic advancement, including formation of the first Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Fellowship at ECU Health.

The Rose Professorship, established by ECU Health and East Carolina University through the ECU Health Foundation and state funds, honors Dr. Rose, a renowned cardiologist and professor. This endowed title supports the director of the East Carolina Heart Institute recognizes Dr. Rose’s exceptional contributions to cardiology and medical humanitarian work. Dr. Rose, who joined ECU Health in 1982 and the Brody School of Medicine in 1990, is celebrated for his dedication to patient care, teaching, and community service. Recipients of this professorship are expected to embody his ideals and passion for teaching, inspiring future generations of medical professionals.

Dr. John Catanzaro poses for a photo in a patient room.

“It’s an honor to be named to the Rose Professorship,” said Dr. Catanzaro. “This title not only recognizes Dr. Jack Rose’s work and legacy, which is focused on humanitarianism and the humanistic qualities of medicine, but it also allows me to highlight and continue his remarkable contributions. As program director, I perform hands-on teaching with trainees during cardiac procedures as well as teach didactic sessions. My primary role is to train the next generation of electrophysiologists to increase access to the patients of eastern North Carolina while maintaining a high standard of excellence in administration and leadership. This professorship is an opportunity to advance Dr. Rose’s legacy of teaching, administration and leadership, ensuring that his impact endures in these areas.”

Dr. Catanzaro completed his Doctor of Medicine with distinction in research at SUNY Downstate Medical Center, followed by an internal medicine residency and cardiovascular disease fellowship at North Shore University Hospital and a clinical cardiac electrophysiology fellowship at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. He also holds an MBA from the University of Florida. He is a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology, Heart Rhythm Society European Heart Rhythm Society and European Society of Cardiology. Dr. Catanzaro is actively involved with the Heart Rhythm Society’s Atrial Fibrillation Stroke Prevention Task Force and serves as vice chair of their Quality Improvement Committee. Nationally recognized for his work, Dr. Catanzaro has delivered invited presentations and chaired panels in the U.S., France, Italy, Germany, England, Romania and more. He also performed recorded procedures for the Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Sessions.

Dr. Catanzaro wanted to transition to an administrative role to broaden his impact beyond individual patients to the entire region and the cardiology division.

“We thought he was the best person for the future of cardiology,” said Dr. Mark Iannettoni, W. Randolph Chitwood, Jr, MD, Distinguished Chair in Cardiovascular Sciences, Brody School of Medicine at ECU and chief, Cardiovascular Service Line at the East Carolina Heart Institute at ECU Health Medical Center. “Dr. Catanzaro possesses a highly entrepreneurial spirit, bringing significant innovation to ECU Health. He has developed new techniques and devices in electrophysiology, advancing our capabilities in device management and patient care.”

The Rose Professorship comes with an endowment, managed by the university, to support ongoing and future initiatives in medical education and innovation. The endowment provides approximately $64,000 annually to advance the cardiology division’s educational and innovative efforts, supporting activities such as purchasing educational equipment, facilitating attendance at conferences, and other educational pursuits.

“The professorship facilitates innovation within the field by providing the necessary funding for new initiatives, such as introducing new devices,” said Dr. Catanzaro. “The goal is to use a certain amount of the endowment each year to support these innovations and to produce more trained physicians for the region. This helps establish our institution as a center of excellence and makes our advancements known.”

Dr. Catanzaro utilized part of the endowment to establish a two-year Electrophysiology Fellowship, admitting one fellow per year, starting this year. Electrophysiologists treat heart rhythm disorders and heart failure with electric devices inserted into the heart. As part of the fellowship, doctors will learn about pacemakers, defibrillators, implantation, ablations, leadless pacemakers, and left atrial appendage closure devices.

“This was one of the fastest fellowships from concept to establishment that we’ve ever done, which just goes to show you how much drive Dr. Catanzaro has,” said Dr. Herb Garrison, former associate dean for ECU’s Brody School of Medicine Graduate Medical Education. “It typically takes two to three years to establish a new residency or fellowship, and we did this in less than a year. That was a record time. And part of that had to do with Dr. Catanzaro and Alyson Riddick, who did an excellent job putting the application together.”

Dr. Jan Lopes is the first fellow in the Electrophysiology Fellowship at ECU Health. He learned about the new program through his cardiology fellowship leader in El Paso, Texas, and decided to join the fellowship because of Dr. Catanzaro’s strong vision for the program.

“Dr. Catanzaro’s enthusiasm for the program and education, along with the opportunity to shape the program for future fellows, attracted me to the fellowship,” said Dr. Lopes. “Despite being a new program, it feels well-established and highly developed. I feel incredibly supported in my role and am receiving top-tier training that rivals what is offered at major medical centers nationwide. We are utilizing cutting-edge technology and performing the latest procedures here at the medical center.”

Training doctors like Dr. Lopes with the latest technology and procedures is important for the future of health care. The need for well-trained electrophysiologists is increasing across the nation and here in eastern North Carolina, according to Dr. Garrison.

Dr. John Catanzaro speaks with a fellow physician to discuss patient care.

“The incidence of arrhythmias, along with the need for pacemakers and defibrillators, is rising as the population ages, making it a critical area of focus,” said Dr. Garrison. “Establishing residencies and fellowships serves two main purposes: recruiting top-tier faculty and creating a pipeline of skilled electrophysiologists. Faculty are attracted to institutions with trainees, and enhancing our program with excellent faculty was a strategic move by Dr. Catanzaro. This initiative ensures we have the necessary capability and qualified physicians to meet the growing demand for electrophysiology services.”

With the increasing demand for physicians and electrophysiologists trained to treat rural patients, Dr. Catanzaro’s efforts at ECU Health is paying off in the form of improved recruitment efforts.

“Dr. Catanzaro has successfully attracted numerous cardiologists,” said Dr. Iannettoni. “He has excelled at developing divisions within the cardiology department and navigating the integration of academia and medicine. His efforts have resulted in many of our graduates choosing to stay with us, which is a significant benefit of our program. We’re proud to retain our own trainees, ensuring continuity and excellence in our team.”

Featured | Heart and Vascular

Christopher Latimer assists the team on 2 South with sorting supplies.

Each summer, teenagers from across eastern North Carolina dedicate a portion of their summer to serve their community at ECU Health hospitals across the region.

The VolunTeen Program is designed to teach students ages 15-17 the value of community service and to provide experiences that foster growth and maturity. The program runs from June to August and volunteers serve at least one shift per week at the hospital.

At ECU Health Medical Center, 122 teens completed 4,717 hours of service across 39 departments this summer. Sara Tingen, volunteer services coordinator at ECU Health Medical Center, said this year was very successful and they hosted their largest group of VolunTeens since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

While the volunteers serve in many roles across the hospital, Tingen said patient transporting from one area of the hospital to another is one of the most important tasks.

Emily Anthony works on a Volunteer Services project on a computer during her VolunTeen hours.
Emily Anthony is a third-year VolunTeen at ECU Health Medical Center.

“The (ECU Health) Cancer Center alone can see 400 people in one day,” Tingen said. “That’s a lot of time it would take for a nurse or other team members to transport a patient, they rely heavily on our transport volunteers. They can just pick up the phone, say, ‘Hey, I need this person to go here to there.’ And it’s done, they can move on to caring for their next patient. We’re proud to be a smiling face and someone patients can connect with while we help them get around.”

Emily Anthony recently finished her third summer in the VolunTeen Program, where she spent her time escorting patients, assisting the Volunteer Services team on projects and serving as a leader for other VolunTeens.

She said her favorite part of the VolunTeen Program is talking to patients and team members while also making connections with her fellow VolunTeens. Emily is entering her senior year of high school and wants to pursue health care.

“It’s really great to get experience in health care, because I want to do something in health care, maybe a nurse,” she said. “The first summer, I just thought it would be a good experience to do the VolunTeen Program but I just loved working in the hospital. I worked in a unit the first summer with all the nurses and I just loved it.”

Christopher Latimer is entering his sophomore year of high school and said he had a great experience in his first year as a VolunTeen. He’s already decided he’ll join again next summer.

He said he’s had an interest in nursing and getting first-hand experience working alongside nurses has helped him understand the day-to-day work of a nurse in a hospital setting.

“I was on 2 South most of the time and I worked in the Cancer Center as well,” Christopher said. “They were both good experiences. I was going around, asking patients questions and seeing if I could help them in any way. I helped the care partners, seeing if I could help out the nurses with anything, really. I’m thinking about nursing and I’m going to also try and do different areas the next time I VolunTeen to see more and just kind of see my options in health care.”

Christopher Latimer assists the team on 2 South with sorting supplies.
Christopher Latimer enjoyed his first summer as a VolunTeen and plans to return next year.

Chad Tucker, director of Volunteer Services at ECU Health Medical Center, said Christopher’s experience is exactly what the program hopes to give back to the local students who are spending their time serving their community.

“This program is an investment in our future,” Tucker said. “A lot of these students are going into college and they get a chance to see the hospital first hand. It’s so rewarding when you see former VolunTeens who are in medical school, or they’re nurses here, they’re respiratory therapists, they are in various capacities and they attribute part of their foundation to the VolunTeen Program. These young people are able to help team members and the patients we serve, but it also gives them help in their careers.”

The program also offers Leadership Sessions for VolunTeens, which gives them a chance to see unique areas of the health system and opportunities for skill development. In one session, the group visited the EastCare helipad, learned about the team, got to look around the inside of a helicopter and even saw a landing.

In another session, the Human Resources and Workforce Development team worked on resume building and shared interview tips with the VolunTeens.

“We have quite a few seniors who are coming up on college applications so if they’re interviewing for jobs or interviewing for scholarships, it just gives them a good perspective on how to navigate possibly their first interview as a young adult,” Tingen said.

We’re proud to support the VolunTeen Program at ECU Health Medical Center and select ECU Health Community Hospitals and we’re grateful for the teen who step up each summer to help us serve eastern North Carolina.

To learn more about the VolunTeen Program and other volunteer opportunities at ECU Health, visit

Community | Featured | Volunteer

ECU Health residents take a moment to gather together in the Resident Well-Being Zone.

It is no secret that medical residency can be stressful. The three-to-seven years doctors spend as a resident are jam packed with experiences that prepare them for a career in the fast-paced environment of health care.

For ECU Health Medical Center residents, that stress is left behind the moment they walk into the brand-new Resident Well-Being Zone – a space intentionally designed to ensure they can take time to relax, reflect and focus on their own well-being.

Located on the 6th floor the Eddie and Jo Allison Smith Cancer Center at ECU Health Medical Center, the Resident Well-Being Zone is filled with all the essentials a resident may need: exercise equipment, charting space, healthy snacks, coffee, even a ping-pong table and more. It is thoughtfully designed with experience in-mind, according to ECU Health Chief Well-Being Officer Dr. Christina Bowen.

ECU Health residents take a moment to gather together in the Resident Well-Being Zone.
ECU Health residents take a moment to gather together in the Resident Well-Being Zone.

“Residency has a quite a bit of emotional labor,” said Dr. Bowen. “Learning at an incredibly rapid pace and being exposed to cases that pull at your heart strings can be stressful. How do you deal with those challenges and manage those emotions and still be prepared to provide high-quality care? We believe that having a space for residents to decompress, even if for 5 or 10 minutes during their day can help them to continue to focus on their learning and care of patients as well as support their personal well-being. Many times they will be able to walk up to the Well-Being Zone and connect with a fellow resident who is having a similar experience which is a concept called common humanity which we know supports self-compassion. Residents’ compassion for themselves helps them as they share compassion with their patients and colleagues helping to create a culture where they can thrive.”

The Resident Well-Being Zone opened in June but it is a space that’s more than five years in the making. The idea was sparked when ECU Health CEO and Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University Dean Dr. Michael Waldrum saw an article about a similar effort at another health system. With a grant from the ECU Health Foundation and partnership from the General Medical Education Well-Being Committee, the Resident Well-Being Zone was launched to immediate fanfare, with residents flocking to the ping-pong table.

“We’re all excited about the Well-Being Zone and thankful to ECU Health and the GME Well-Being Committee for prioritizing our wellness while on the wards,” said Dr. Natalie Malpass, a third-year family medicine resident at ECU Health Medical Center. “It’s great to have a space of our own where we can re-center and re-charge, even if only for a few minutes. Between the inviting couches, the ping pong table, coffee bar, and workstation for when the pager inevitably goes off, the committee really thought of everything.”

The opening of the Resident Well-Being Zone is a culmination of years of planning, but Dr. Bowen said this is only the beginning. She is planning to build on the initial success by adding well-being pop up events throughout the year.

“This Well-Being Zone is an example of the amazing collaboration we have here at ECU Health,” said Dr. Bowen. “We were able to identify a need and partner with many teams across the organization to make this unique space possible. We are grateful for our residents and we hope they feel their well-being is supported so they can continue to do the important work of caring for patients and furthering their knowledge of compassionate medicine.”


Two ECU Health interpreters sign out E-C-U-H to represent ECU Health.

As an academic health system, ECU Health serves as both a rural care delivery organization and a training ground for health care providers and support services team members.

While resident physicians and nurses come to mind as the most obvious roles that blend the clinical and academic environments, a new resident track is helping bridge an important need for patients across eastern North Carolina who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: the ECU Health American Sign Language (ASL) Residency program.

Launched in April, the ASL Interpreter Residency program was born from the demand for more skilled ASL medical interpreters. The program is designed to help increase the number of ASL interpreters available to patients across ECU Health’s system, in both hospitals and clinics, as well as train the next generation of interpreters for a career in the medical field.

More than 500,000 people throughout the United States use ASL to communicate as their native language, making ASL the third most common language in the United States, after English and Spanish, according to the Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

Two ECU Health interpreters sign out E-C-U-H to represent ECU Health.
ECU Health ASL coordinator Reid Barnes, left, and Jordan Satchell, the first-ever ECU Health American Sign Language Interpreter resident, sign E-C-U-H to represent ECU Health.

“There is a massive need for ASL interpreters in health care both nationally and locally,” said ECU Health ASL coordinator Reid Barnes, who designed the program. “When we looked at this need in the lens of our role as an academic health system, it made sense to model something similar to the physician resident experience.”

Residents in the program join with a two-year commitment where they focus on skill development and clinical interpreting during their first year, with close supervision in the clinical setting. The second year of the program incorporates both hospital and clinical work while also assisting with ongoing educational efforts.

Barnes, ECU Health’s only full-time ASL interpreter, works with up to 6 or 7 patients on any given day, often times spread across the health system’s 29 county service area, so the demand is obvious. What is less obvious, however, is the process behind becoming a skilled medical ASL interpreter.

A licensed or certified ASL interpreter does not receive a specialized certificate in medicine. ASL interpreters undergo rigorous testing to ensure they have generalized competencies for a multitude of interpreting settings. However, the decision to specialize in any setting is left to the individual interpreter. Specialization often involves an extensive combination of targeted workshops and firsthand experience. As a result, it is often difficult for newer interpreters to safely gain firsthand experience.

All of these factors, Barnes said, inspired the creation of the ECU Health ASL Interpreter Residency program.

“Health care should always be provided in a patient’s native language,” said Barnes. “Imagine what your health care experience would feel like if you couldn’t communicate with your doctors and nurses in your primary language? For the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community, that is a very real reality. We can now expand our services, improve patient experiences and be a true training ground for skilled medical ASL interpreters.”

Jordan Satchell is the first ever resident in the ECU Health ASL Interpreter Residency program. Having served as an experience coordinator in ECU Health Medical Center’s emergency department, she has a close understanding of the important role ECU Health serves as the flagship health system in eastern North Carolina.

“Returning to ECU Health as the first ASL Interpreter Resident has been a rewarding experience in many different ways,” said Satchell. “You never truly ‘arrive’ when it comes to interpreting, so this program has allowed me to build my skills and improve my knowledge about health care. The patients I work with have already helped me become a better interpreter, and I can only hope to continue serving them, learning their needs, breaking down communication barriers, while also being a resource to the next incoming resident.”

Barnes said Satchell will help chart the future of the program, as the two work together to closely examine the needs of the patient population while tailoring the program’s design to ensure it provides the best resident experience possible.

Two ECU Health interpreters sign interpreter in American Sign Language.
Barnes, left, and Satchell sign "interpreter" in American Sign Language.

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